Carminal Pets under the brand Catalysis (Spain)
Regenerates the lining of the stomach and intestines, aids digestion, prevents and supports the treatment of common inflammatory bowel diseases in dogs and cats
Solve stomach disorders
Ingredient :
Glutamine, Folic Acid (Vitamin B9), Pyridoxal
(Vitamin B6), Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), Zinc (E6, Zinc Sulfate). Fragrance
(Liver Flavor), (Sodium Benzoate; Potassium Sorbate), Anti
oxidizing agents (Aloe Vera; Fennel; Licorice Extract; Opuntia Ficus and Olea Europaea),
Pure water.
Dogs & Cats 1 ml mixed with 50-100 ml of water for 5 kg body weight each time, every 12 hours (from 1 to 2 times a day)
Rats and Birds (small varieties from 1 to 3 kg)
0.5 ml mixed with 50 ml every 12 hours Consult your veterinarian before use
Rats and Birds (over 3 kg)
1 ml mixed with 50 ml water every 12 hours
Expiry date: 36 months from date of manufacture.
Producer: Catalysis, S.L., Avda. de la Madera, 5 45520 Villaluenga de la Sagra - Toledo -
ESPANA - Spain
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