🎊Welcome to Beauty Onion. We are a Korean Cosmetics Wholesale Retailer.🎊 🎀Products are 100% authentic guaranteed 🎀Products are directly shipped from Korea 🎀 The shipping takes up to 14 business days. 👑We provide high-quality products at competitive prices.👑 📌 Unless there is a special notice that the Expiration date is approaching, products are valid for more than two years 📌 No delivery on weekends *The order placed on the weekend will be shipped next Monday. If you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to reach out to us:) [Description] 🌿DELIVERING YOU THE UNTOUCHED NATURE 🌿 # centella100% #skin soothing ⭐For sensitive skin, 100% Centella Asiatica Extract Calming Ampoule ⭐SKIN1004 presents 100% Centella Asiatica Extract Calming Ampoule which only contains essential active ingredients without unnecessary elements. 📌EWG Green Single Ingredient ➡️Focus on mild skin care 📌Madagascar Centella Asiatica ➡️Centella Asiatica grown in clean nature of Madagascar 📌 Ampoule for sensitive skin ➡️Hypoallergenic and slightly acidic calming ampoule for safe use 📌Skin barrier strengthening ➡️ Moisturizing sensation with a refreshing balance of water and oil 📌Calm the irritated skin from external harms: Using hypoallergenic ampoules with 100% Centella Asiatica extract to soothe and protect the skin from various external harms ✔ Alleviate skin sensitivity: Forms healthy skin barrier by retaining balanced water-oil ratio and brimming moisture. Healthy skin barrier protects sensitive skin from various external harms. #gift #sets #cleanser #lip #eye #moisturizer #women #men #face #mask #treatment
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