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140.140 ₫
257.000 ₫
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PS5 Silent Enhanced Cooling Fan with Adjustable Speed, [Low Noise], [Auto On/Off], with USB 3.0 Port, Efficient Cooling System for Both Disc and Digital Editions
【Efficient Cooling System】The NexiGo cooling fan comes with three fans that help quickly dissipate excess heat created by the PlayStation 5 console and can turn off/on automatically with your console, greatly improving the console's lifespan and performance.
【USB 3.0 Passthrough Port】A USB 3.0 passthrough port built into the fan case allows you to transfer data at high speed or to use the USB port for charging your other devices.
【3-Level Silent Cooling Fan Speed】Designed with 3 built-in silent cooling fans with 3-level fan speed to provide effective cooling assistance for your PS5 console. You can press the fan speed switch to adjust 3 different fan speeds, easily choosing the fan speed you need, respectively 4500, 4000, and 3500 RPM while optimizing airflow structure. Additionally, this PS5 cooling fan can turn off/on automatically with your console.
【No Additional Adapters Required】Powered by a USB port on the console, this cooling fan does not require any additional adapters or cables to operate. Insert the cooling fan into the console, press the fan power button, and you are good to go! It is also compatible with using the PS5 original bracket to place the host horizontally.
【All in One Design】Compatible with both the PlayStation 5 Disc and Digital Editions. The lightweight and compact design perfectly fits the PS5 console. The built-in three cooling fans will display a blue LED light letting you know it is operating and providing a nice highlighting color for your console.
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3 fan mount rack pci slot bracket for video card with support 90mm/120mm fan bracket kit with fan 24bb fan bracket
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50Pcs Computer Components PC Case Fan Mouting Pin Anti Noise Vibration Rubber Screws Anti-Vibration Shock Absorption
Bán xả hàng phiên bản mới giải phóng mặt bằng thương hiệu gốc 5e = 1h 5e = rt8248agqw 5e = 1j 5e = 2b qfn
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