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Đến nơi bán
Đến nơi bán

Đến nơi bán
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Đến nơi bán
Đến nơi bán
Đến nơi bán
Đến nơi bán
Xem thêm 6 nơi bán khác
"Notes for buyers" 1. pay attention to this store, welcome to introduce friends to buy, more diskount detailed on the store home page introduction or chat about consulting customer service. 4. please take the package in time after arrival at the door market. not taking it or exceeding the time of taking it will cause us to lose the package!The time limit for delivery should be based on the receipt of the bulletin, the time of payment for the order prompt is not the time of receipt, remember that the bulletin is the time of receipt. 5. if you have any problems, few pieces, wrong goods, defective goods, etc., please contact us first. don't worry about the bad comments. we 'll solve the problem for you. thank you! "Notes for buyers" 1. pay attention to this store, welcome to introduce friends to buy, more diskount detailed on the store home page introduction or chat about consulting customer service. 4. please take the package in time after arrival at the door market. not taking it or exceeding the time of taking it will cause us to lose the package!The time limit for delivery should be based on the receipt of the bulletin, the time of payment for the order prompt is not the time of receipt, remember that the bulletin is the time of receipt. 5. if you have any problems, few pieces, wrong goods, defective goods, etc., please contact us first. don't worry about the bad comments. we 'll solve the problem for you. thank you!
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