Herbal Black and Brown Hair Shampoo 500ml
Specification: brown hop and black box 500ml
Uses: The product is extracted from natural herbs and is very good and safe for the scalp.
According to the manufacturer's instructions, shampoo should be used in the following sequence:
Step 1: Wear the gloves attached to the product to avoid blackening of the nails.
Step 2: Moisten the hair, do not over-wet the hair.
Step 3: Pour the shampoo mixture into your hands, then apply it evenly on your hair.
Step 4: Massage hair gently and incubate for 15-20 minutes.
Step 5: Rinse your hair with clean water.
Note when using:
Depending on the length and thickness of the hair, use a moderate amount of shampoo, avoid applying too much.
After rinsing the hair, do not wash it again with any other shampoo for at least 2-3 days.
Massage gently to avoid scalp damage.
Should wash 2 times to color up evenly.
Help you with the need to wash your hair black.
From dyed hair when washing, it changes to black and brown according to the customer's choice.
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